When you engage with Restorative Justice, you engage with a new set of beliefs.
Knowing and understanding the core framework upon which RFNL is built is essential for creating and nurturing a culture of restorative justice.
Consider each of these statements as they apply to individuals you interact with day-to-day. Know that every person's true self is worthy. Know that all humans deeply desire being in good relationships. Recognize how we all have gifts and that every one of us is needed for the individual strengths we bring to the world.
Ask yourself:
Which parts of this framework are new to you?
Which have you always known?
Do you agree with all elements of this framework?
In order to be truly relational, we must establish a common understanding of the things that we value as a community. By truthfully identifying our shared values we have the opportunity to be open and honest in relationship. When we understand our shared values, community expectations become clear and we can start working toward being truly relational. We must work to recognize those things that have always helped us connect with each other so that we might begin to identify values that we can share as a relational society.
Ask yourself:
What do I value most about my favourite person?
What qualities do I appreciate in a co-worker?
Who was my favourite teacher and what was the best thing about them?
Encourage Relational Ways of Being and Knowing
Relationships First NL strives to model holistic, relational organizational culture. We will share strategies and reflections on this through social media and in our capacity as researchers.
Honour Indigenous Roots of RJ
At Relationships First NL we strive to honour the important history of Restorative Justice. We recognize that Indigenous communities around the world have been living relationally for centuries. We see the immense value in honouring relationships with each other and with our environment. Relationships First will continue to work with provincial and international Indigenous communities to deepen our understanding of authentic Restorative Justice.
Two-Eared Listening
From our time being mentored by Chief Mi’sel Joe of Miawpukek First Nation we have learned that we have two ears and one mouth so that we may listen twice as much as we speak.
When we listen with two ears, we listen from our core so that we hear the heart, soul, body, mind of the speaker.
(For more information, please see www.twoearedlistening.com)
Students Thunder Nevin, Jade Bourque, and Jessica Beers of Bonar Law Memorial High School in New Brunswick created this collaborative art piece called "Two-Eyed Seeing." This piece is about going forth in reconciliation while seeing the world through both Indigenous and Western perspectives; seeing from both eyes for the benefit of all. (Source: http://bonarlaw.nbed.nb.ca/feature/nb-proud-painting-winner)
Two-Eyed Seeing
Mi’kmaq Dr. Elder Albert Marshall, Sr. tells us that Two-Eyed Seeing recognizes the strength of Indigenous ways of knowing and the strength of Western ways of knowing and uses both together.
Marshall says: "Two-Eyed Seeing refers to learning to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing and from the other eye with the strengths of Western ways of knowing and to using both of these eyes together." (Source: Albert Marshall, https://www.2eyedseeing.ca/about-5)
Mentor and Support RJ Engagement
Professional Learning
Relationships First NL provides Professional Development opportunities in 3 hour, 1 day, 3 day, and 5 day formats. Each will be offered regularly to the public; each can also be designed to meet the needs of a particular professional group. Professional Development sessions are all comprised of hands-on learning experiences that will support you in taking steps towards change and transformation.
Circle Facilitation and Support
Relationships First Newfoundland & Labrador provides specialized Circle facilitation support. Contact us to avail of the services of an experienced Circle facilitator. RFNL can help develop and facilitate Circles for:
Learning/Curriculum Building
Human Rights/Racial Justice
... and so much more!
Reach out to us today.