In 2021 over 150 people gathered at Memorial University's Signal Hill Campus to experience "two-eared listening" to stories of injustice and hope.

In collaboration with Community Justice Connect (CJC), a provincial scan was initiated to identify all people and organizations with experience in and an understanding of restorative justice. We invite all contributors to review the Scan document and use the contact form on this page to send corrections and revisions as this is a live document .

​Click above to access an Interactive Book Study for the Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education. You will need to download the pdf file in order to use this as an interactive, fillable workbook. If you have any issues or questions, please contact sarah@rfnl.org.

Building on the momentum of the significant Two-Eared Listening Gathering (2021), we are pleased to have had the opportunity to host THREE unique local events with the originator of Two-Eyed Seeing, Dr. Elder Albert Marshall (Eskasoni, Mi'kma'ki), along with Chief Misel Joe (Miawpukek) who generously shared his understanding of Two-Eared Listening in our first event.

Community Circles
Members of the community gather together every week to circle up...

Hubs of Hope
Details coming soon.